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Cybersecurity Solutions

Let DSI Tech help you improve, simplify, and unify your cybersecurity solutions.

We’re living in a time where it’s only getting harder for schools, businesses, and government agencies to keep their critical assets as protected as they need to be. If cybersecurityopens a new window is a concern or ongoing challenge within your organization, it’s time to do something about it – and DSI Tech can help!

So, what’s holding you back?

Your challenges may not be the same as other organizations. But when it comes to cybersecurity, these are the ones we continue to hear from our customers in both the private and public sector.

Illustration graphic for cybersecurity

Can you relate to any of these challenges?

  • Trying to keep our outdated network secure
  • Educating our staff and users on best practices
  • Using security tools that are too complex to manage
  • Having budget/staff to do everything we want to
  • Protecting our remote teams and users
  • Navigating thousands of daily security alerts
  • Lacking visibility into what happens on our network
  • Staying on top of constantly evolving threats
We can help you overcome challenges like these with proven security technology that’s not only affordable, but also incredibly easy to use, manage, and scale.

Security Products and Services are:

Holding Hands Icon
Designed to work together for better protection
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Proven to work with your other IT investments
Cloud with Gear Icon
Cloud-powered for easy use and management
Laptop with Security Icon
Trusted to make working from home more secure
Integrated solutions can fill any of the security gaps you may have:
  • Security visibility and reporting
  • Application security
  • User and device protection
  • Email and web security
  • Network security and access
DSI Tech Managed Services can provide all the advice and support that you need along the way:
  • Onsite incident remediation
  • 24×7 US-based monitoring
  • Security assessments
  • Design and deployment services
Schedule an assessment, get product demos, and speak with our experts:
Cybersecurity Solutions download handout PDF. Image link opens a new tab.
Cybersecurity Solutions open infographic PDF. Image link opens a new tab.