Customer Success Program
JUMP TO: How does it work? | Path to Success | Maximize Investment | Next Steps
DSI Tech is an Advanced Customer Experience (CX) partner delivering proactive lifecycle solutions tailored to the unique needs of our clients. We provide strategic guidance, seamless implementation, and continuous support to maximize technology investments, ensuring exceptional satisfaction and long-term success.
How does it work?
DSI Tech will assign a Customer Success Manager (CSM) to oversee your journey and utilize the resources of our extensive team of Sales Reps, Engineers, and CSMs, with the end goal of driving your ROI.

Our team will organize all aspects of the Success Plan including business objectives, strategic initiatives, products, services, and adoption plans.

Our team will advocate for you, providing internal support with account teams and external support with manufacturers.

Proactive Care
Our team will prevent lapses in miscommunication or delays in services by tracking project milestones and initiating action.

Our team will provide important product information, recommend services for you to utilize, and be a liaison for account teams, engineers, and OEMs.
Path to Success
We’ll work closely with you to create and execute a Success Plan, a clear statement of what DSI Tech will provide and how we will deliver value throughout your project.

Identify Business Objectives
We will work with you to identify your overall IT goals as an organization and how this product or solution fits into that plan.

Establish Desired Outcomes
We will work with you to identify measurable project milestones and action items that will lead to success. Details will be included in the project SOW.

Implement & Validate Solution
We will oversee your project alongside our highly certified engineers and demonstrate the value of that purchase.

Adopt Solution
We will ensure you are fully utilizing your purchased solution by monitoring usage. We’ll advocate on your behalf and proactively track progress & action items for product adoption.

Achieve Goals
We will evaluate your objectives, desired outcomes, and project milestones to ensure you are on the best path to achieving your goals!